Note: Class time is in Eastern Time Zone. Vancouver Area please -3 hrs. 【eg. 7:30pm EST = 4:30pm PST】
以上的課時皆為加東時間,溫哥華及其他加西地區請減 3個小時。
Easy321 易學堂數位華語文中心成立於2005年,十幾年來致力於中文電腦數位教學,並成立「中文電腦教育學會」。突破傳統手寫方式,改以漢語拼音打出中文,並藉由線上完整的作業題庫,十數年精心研發的系統教材,讓學生透過電腦,輕鬆、有趣而且有效地學習繁、簡體中文,均衡發展中文『聽、說、讀、打』的能力。Easy321的教師團隊擁有豐富的教學經驗,用適合海外華裔子女的雙語教學方式,帶領孩子快樂又高效地學習華語。
Easy321 Chinese eLearning and eCompuChinese Education Association was established in 2005, with a dedication to teaching Mandarin through digital learning for two decades. Thousands of students in Greater Toronto Area have improved their Chinese, developed interests, approved the teaching methodology, and gained more appreciation of the Chinese culture through our school.
We foster effective learning through the use of technologies, and emphasize the importance of “Listening, Speaking, Reading and Typing Chinese”. Instead of learning Mandarin using the traditional handwriting method, Easy321 teaches typing Chinese characters using Hanyu Pinyin. We have developed and perfected a comprehensive reservoir of online learning resources over the last two decades. Although we primarily teach traditional Chinese characters, we also help students recognize simplified Chinese characters.
Weekly homework can be accessed and completed virtually in an online environment, where each student will be given their own login credentials. Easy321's team of teachers has rich and diverse teaching experiences, and uses bilingual teaching methods suitable for overseas Chinese children and adults to have an enjoyable and effective learning experience.
Easy, Enjoyable, Effective Teaching Methodology
* 120 new characters per level, eight-levels in total
* Traditional and simplified Chinese characters are taught along with Pinyin
* The eight-level course learns high-frequency thousand words
* Students will have the ability to listen/comprehend, speak, read, type and compose
* Weekly online homework to solidify in-class and virtual learnings
* Focus on Pinyin, pronunciation, word formation, sentence construction and Chinese-English translation
* Practical daily conversation, reading, and sentence writing
* Unlimited access to online multimedia vocabulary cards, assignments and games
* Lively and interactive 90 mins Lessons filled with a variety of activities to keep the students engaged
* Small classes of 8~10 students with mixed age, suitable for students from the 2nd~3rd grade of day school to register
Go100 - 學生打字測驗
Go100 - Proficiency Test
Go200 - 學生課文朗讀
Go200 - Text Reading
2024~2025 School Calendar
A new group lesson fee of $35 will be applied starting in September 2025.

NO make-up class for individual's absence in group lessons. All the homework assignments & material are posted online. 教材和習作均已上網,團體班級缺課不補。Refund Policy: Full refund of the remaining tuition balance if withdrawal program within the first 4 lessons. After 4 lessons, will receive 80% of the remaining balance. 學費退款:四節課以內退學,得退還所餘週數學費;四節課以後退學,得退還所餘週數80%學費。